If you are seeking a degree in Flight Instructor, you'll find there are three differentdegrees that can be earned. A major in Flight Instructor is offered at a low number schools, all of which are listedbelow. Our 2019 ranking of the best colleges that offer Flight Instructor degrees is basedon the compilation of our data from reliable government sources, student surveys, college graduateinterviews, and editorial review. You can find more information about a Flight Instructor degree below along with a look at schoolsthat offer online degrees in Flight Instructor. Researching a Flight Instructor degree you will find that obtaining a traditional degree is very normal. A degree in Flight Instructor will typically not require a grand amount of timeinvestment and is often achieved in only a year or two.
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The most typical Flight Instructor degree earned was an associate's degree, however, schools more commonly offer a certificate. The second most popular Flight Instructor degree that people earn is a certificate.
While an associate's degree has more popularity, it isn't uncommon for a certificate as well. Although a bachelor's degree is offered at some schools, getting a traditional degree is not very common. In the end, you'll want to choose a degree in Flight Instructor that can help you to achieve your goals. The only remaining decision will be to find a school offeringthe degree your interested in and can meet your flexibility needs.
Certified Instructor OverviewWe founded the Plane Truth Instructor Certification Program to be a resource for the Instructor to continuously grow and learn. We believe it to be the most comprehensive and innovative Instructor Certification Program in the game of golf. Our mission is to provide the clearest, most complete source of organized golf instruction.Based on the paradigm that there are two types of golf swings (1 plane and 2 plane), we provide our instructors with a simple understanding of the mechanics of the swing.
Using our ground breaking “+ and –“ Impact System, professionals gain complete knowledge of impact and ball flight allowing instructors to always select the correct swing mechanics that will most positively affect the student’s shot pattern.Our proven approach makes both teaching and learning swing fundamentals and ball flight correction easier and faster than anything else in the game. You will learn both what to teach (information) and how to teach (application).
We’ve developed a suite of unparalleled, innovative online tools that are a resource for continuous learning 24/7/365. From the ground breaking Plane Truth Information Matrix to the Plane Truth Case Study Database, we supply the instructor with all the instant supporting information they need to never stop becoming better.Our goal is to provide an unparalleled set of tools, services, and information to enable each of our instructors to be world class. We never cease in the pursuit of that goal. We never stop learning. We never stop innovating. Level 2 – Advanced ConceptsIn this course we move beyond the basics with more advanced studies of ball flight faults from a swing shape perspective and case studies of effective unorthodox 1 and 2 plane swings. We build on Level 1 topics with further advanced application of short game and video analysis.
A personality profiler will help instructors to understand their strengths and weaknesses as well as determining the learning styles of their students. Great emphasis is placed on live lessons. Participants conduct live lessons which count toward their Level 2 examination grade.
We close with a tutorial on how to conduct online lessons using the Plane Truth Online Lesson System. Why create a certified instructor program?To help you, the professional golf instructor.
Today’s teaching professional has many challenges in creating, running, and growing his or her business. Staying current on the evolution of teaching (ongoing education), new customer acquisition, and finding alternative revenue channels are some of the major challenges in building a successful teaching practice. Sparse sources to learnThe teaching professional has very few quality sources to continue to grow and learn as a teacher. Additionally, many of these sources can have conflicting views on the mechanics of the golf swing.
We’ve developed innovative tools and information for the instructor to continuously learn. Organized, clear, and thorough.
Available all the time. Continuously updated. Difficultly leveraging the webCreating a website or marketing teaching services via the internet is time consuming and can be expensive. But it also doesn’t have to be. The internet is evolving at a rapid pace.
It can be a bit intimidating. The teaching professional needs to be able to integrate all of the pieces to create a turnkey solution to define, reach, and market to their customers. Limitations on timeA teaching professional’s earning potential is limited to his one-on-one time spent with a student on the practice tee. For those living in northern climates, this creates a challenge during the winter months. The teacher needs ways to interact and profit from interactions with students during off hours, winter months and through alternative channels. The Plane Truth Case Study DatabaseEver have one of those lessons where you couldn’t quite put your finger on the key swing fault to fix?
Or maybe you found it but were unsure of the right way to go about making the change? Our Case Study tool is an organized database of lesson examples from a vast array of students.Using the system provides repetition in the art of making the proper corrections in the student’s swing. Further, we enable you to contribute examples in the database for review by other instructors. So now, instead of wondering where to go for another opinion, you have a community of world-class instructors on call to help. The Plane Truth Online Lesson SystemSwing analysis software and cutting edge video upload capability allows for the unique ability to provide individualized online lessons for your students.
With the added benefit of access to swing models and student video clips allowing comparative analysis and interactive distance learning that is truly revolutionary. In addition to providing your student with exceptional technology and instruction this system provides you with the ability to earn income in the off-season from the comfort of your own home. Seminar and ExaminationTo be awarded a Plane Truth Certification, you must prove that you have the hands-on skills that separate you from the rest. In addition to learning the concepts of the one and two plane swings, your ability to apply this knowledge will be what differentiates you as an instructor. It is also the main focus of our certification.As a Plane Truth Certified Instructor, you will have demonstrated that you can apply the knowledge gained in each level of our seminars.
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As a result, your earning potential will be far greater than your competition and your results will substantiate it! To ensure instructors have fully grasped the techniques presented in the seminars, a comprehensive exam is given based on the concepts learned in each level of the seminar.
Format and structure for these exams will differ by level and are described on the specific curriculum page at the links below. Professional Development ProgramYou cannot become a world-class instructor in two days by passing a test and hanging a certificate on your wall. It is a process that we believe is one of continuous learning. It is this ongoing support and education that has been lacking in the instruction field and has made us apprehensive to certify instructors in the past.You will be a Plane Truth Certified Instructor once you complete your Level 1 – Core Basics seminar and pass the test.
To remain Plane Truth certified, and to continue receiving the benefits, instructors are required to maintain a standard of professional development measured yearly. This measurement is the Plane Truth Professional Development Program, which consists of 2 easy parts. Part 2: Attendance at the Plane Truth Instructor SummitEach year, we conduct an annual summit for all Plane Truth certified instructors. This 3-day event is focused on learning in a relaxed atmosphere.
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We not only provide you updates on what we’ve done over the past year and what we plan for the upcoming year, but also ask you for your ideas on how to make this program better. You’ll get a chance to network with other instructors, share ideas, learn more from Jim and other guest speakers, play golf and work on your own game for a change. Price for the event will be greatly reduced in an effort to give everyone an opportunity to get away for a couple days, learn, and have some fun. Level 1 and Level 2 instructors are encouraged to attend the Plane Truth Instructor Summit at least once every two years to maintain their status while Level 3 instructors are required to attend every year.